Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Wednesday working

Back at work and going back and forth between admin stuff, teaching and being Ms. Boss Lady. It looks like it will be a while longer on posting my pictures as my internet access is down at home, for some reason. Sigh. It's one of those things about not being able to fluently speak and read the language in the country where you reside, it takes forever to get things straightened out.

I'm almost finished reading "The Power and the Glory" by Graham Greene and I love it. I read "The Quiet American" a year or so ago and loved that too - it was right before I went to Viet Nam, so it got me in the mood to see Hanoi. I think I'll get into a Graham Greene kick now. Just finished "Oh, Play That Thing" by Roddy Doyle recently too, it's really good. It's the sequel to "A Star Called Henry," Ange sent me a hardcover copy signed by the author. So nice Ange. It's not funny and tragic like the Barrowtown triliogy books like "The Commitments," but it's a really rich read.

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