Thursday, July 27, 2006

The internet makes me late.

Being about 12 hours ahead of everyone back home means I have to make phone calls either late at night or early in the morning - I prefer early in the morning as I'm usually pretty tired by the end of the day. Since the summer schedule started at the school, I have to be at work at 7:30 am, which means I get up at 6:00 am. You don't want to talk to me at 6:00am. So I haven't been calling people much lately (sorry Mom!). But I will get my arse in gear soon and try to be more talky.

Also, I have my first home computer now. I don't know how I lived before without the internet at home. What did I do all the time? Anyway, this is what happens every morning, I get up, I go online, I fart around, I realize it's 7:15, I say "shit" and run out the door. Then I come to work and go on the internet. What is the matter with me? Jesus.

Gotta work, will write more later.


1 comment:

cm said...

Welcome to the borg.