Monday, March 19, 2007

What I'm listening to and watching and stuff

I just got me a whole bunch of new music from Olivier and I can't stop listening to Indochine. They've from France and have been around since 1981. They sound a bit like Joy Division and The Cure. And I understand every 4th or 5th word or so.

Blockbuster has finally got the second season of Desperate Housewives and I watched the first 4 episodes on Sunday. I love Edie, she's such a ho.

I just finished reading "Inconceivable" by Ben Elton which was left over from my fluffy vacation reading. Apparently they made a movie out of it called "Maybe Baby" or something. Anyway. It was ok. I hate it when book critics rage about a novel being "uproariously funny!!! Laugh out loud hilarious!!" It sets the bar too high. But I guess "clever and mildly amusing" doesn't sell paperbacks.

I saw "Dream Girls" a couple of weeks ago and it's worth seeing for Eddie Murphy. I also recently saw pirated versions of "The Pursuit of Happiness" and "The Departed". Sometimes I can't believe how easy it is to see movies now. I remember when driving into Stephenville to watch "Splash!" was one of the highlights of the year.

Besides that, I'm looking for a new Chinese Tutor as mine bailed because she's teaching at a university and is too busy for little ol' me. We have a 4 day weekend April 4th - 8th and I'm trying to figure out what to do.

Hopefully I will get a new camera soon and have photos to post once again.


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

My First Bra....

....bought in Taiwan that is. I finally summoned up my patience and ventured out to find a bra that would fit me here in tiny person land. I have been living here for almost 4 years and have not even bothered trying to see if they have my size, besides a quick glance here and there in a mall and never finding anything bigger than a b-cup. Or anything that is not padded. But I just wanted a new one. Something pretty.... So I went to The Easy Shop. Yes, that's its name. It's a very popular lingerie chain here in Taiwan.

According to Easy Shop standards, I am a size E. I cannot believe it. E for "enormous, compared to our standards! Ha!" Or E for "English Teacher boobs."

In the dressing rooms, there are little buzzers you can press to summon the salesladies. I didn't press it, but the salesgirl came in anyway and showed me how I could make the bra fit better by putting her hand inside the bra (from the side, under my armpit) and shoving my boob and any excess flesh into the cup. "See? Fit much better."

Oh well, I guess it's better than ordering online.


Monday, March 12, 2007

More tunnel pics

Here's a few more shots of the tunnels.

Here's Olivier going to explore. I was scared I would get stuck so I didn't go.

Tourists underground.

Guns and prices.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

My blog will look stupid temporarily because Blogspot are a bunch of tools.

I'm starting to get really annoyed with blogspot. First the whole "we're going Beta!" and forcing me to change the email address I sign in with. Then for awhile everytime I signed in from home it would all appear in Chinese so I had to dick around with that. Now, all I wanted to do was to change one little thing on my template and then it forces me to upgrade to the NEW template changer thingy (giving me no other option) and then fucks up everything. The headers are gone from my links. Where's my goddamn Picasa web albums? Now I have to redo the whole bastardly thing again.

I know it's not a big deal, but you know, it's like when you mop the floor and then someone walks across it with muddy shoes. It only takes a second to sweep it up, but you'd think they'd be more careful. Why do the internets try to constantly fix things that aren't broken? And it's late and I'm tired and I don't want to be on my computer anymore. Grrrrrrr......

tired and annoyed,


Cu Chi Tunnels, post 1

Here's some more pictures from the Viet Nam trip.

The Cu Chi Tunnels were an elaborate system of tunnels built outside of Saigon and took some 25 years to build, initially started by the Viet Minh. The soil in the Cu Chi area is red earth and was ideal for creating tunnels during the war against the French. The VC took over the old tunnels, made new extensions and created this extremely organized network for basing attacks.

If you ever go to Saigon, definitely go on the Cu Chi tour. Our tour guide was this crazy guy who worked as an information officer for the Americans and after the war he was thrown in jail for 4 years. He was very outspoken and interesting. We have a couple of short films of him talking, I'll try to upload them here later (when I figure out how to do that!)

Another thing about the Cu Chi tour is that if you want, you can pay a dollar (US) a bullet and go fire off Russian AK-47s, 30-60 machine guns and many, many other guns from the war in the firing range. So while you're walking around the jungle looking at the tunnels you can hear gunfire off in the distance.

Check out the "klipping armpit" trap and then the kind of childlike illusration of such traps in use! Eeesh.

Here's Olivier in the destroyed American tank.

Friday, March 09, 2007

More photos

Olivier just gave me some more of our vacation photos, so I'll add them here over the next while.

I got a chance to meet up with my friend Nic for breakfast in Saigon, he and Meghan moved to Saigon in August - they were my neighbours here on Soho Street for awhile.

Here I am obviously saying something amazing and unfrigging believable.

Monday, March 05, 2007

New blogs and cold weather

Holy crap, it's March 6th! Time is having it's way with me. There are less than 4 months left in the school year, I can't believe it.

Today it is cold and wet. I know I shouldn't complain about the weather as there's no snow here and on Sunday I was hiking in the mountains in shorts and sandals, but riding a scooter in the cold rain really sucks. My fingers are still cold and I've been here for an hour. Maybe I have a circulation problem.

I've added links to two new blogs from friends in the sidebar, fabulous Newfoundland women who are off running around the world! Rhonda Matthews in currently working in Afghanistan and Julia Rogers (formerly Thompson, Strawberry from Hatcher!) who is a bridge officer on an offshore vessel. Such exciting lives! I'm jealous.

Must go, peas out.
