Monday, May 29, 2006

Gettin' on the blog wagon

Well, now that MSN has eaten my webpage, this will be my new way of letting people know I'm alive and well in Taiwan. The webpage probably still exists somewhere, but now that they changed it over to "World Groups," it seems to be crammed in somewhere among about a million pop-ups of "hot singles" and porn teasers. Ick. So I'm 'a startin' afresh.

It's Tuesday and my slack day. I don't have to be at work until 4:00 and I'm procrastinating going to the gym. Tomorrow is Dragon Boast Festival and we actually have a day off. There are so few public holidays, it's such a novelty to get a day off! Oh, what will I do with all my free time......

Anyhoo, better get this blog thing looking sensible.....
