Saturday, July 22, 2006

2nd goodbye party weekend in a month. Poo.

My friends Kat and Kyle are leaving on Monday to go home to the States for awhile, then move to Hanoi. At the end of June, my friends Kelly and Daniel left to travel around China for a month, then return to the States to begin cool grad school programs. On August 4th, my friend Megan and Nick are moving to Saigon. Then on August 9th, my friend Ryan returns to Alberta. That's 7 friends leaving in less than 2 months. Ugh.

This is one of the main reasons why I feel this will be my last year in Taiwan, my circle of friends has changed at least 3 times since I've been here because it's just the kind of place where people come and go. You feel like you just get to know someone and they shag off. And it's pretty hard to take. Sniff.

Boo-hoo for me! Wah! Sorry, I'm hungover and listening to Keane. Next post will not be so whiney.


Here's a pic of Kelly saying goodbye to her students as they swarm around her for a group hug.

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