I mainly use this blog to keep in touch with my family and friends while I am maxin' and relaxin' in Taiwan. I also like to post and add links to random crap I find amusing or interesting.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Last supper with Kat
This is my friend Kat from Philadelphia who I met at one of the pubs in front of my apartment building a couple of weeks after I moved in. She's back in the States now and then she's moving to Hanoi in a month or so to start up a business. She is a wicked seamstress/artist/all around person.
Originally from Highlands, Newfoundland, I'm currently one of the Assistant Directors of an English Language School in Taichung, Taiwan. Taiwan has been good to me and I plan on staying here until June 2008. My Chinese is terrible, but I'm very good at pointing and smiling.
looking good bride
I was going to say that, thats one of the best pictures of you I've seen. you lose weight or something?
Ahhh, you're so nice to me. I've lost 13 lbs since Xmas, I started running. Away from my problems. Ha.
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