Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Thailand va-kay

So here I am in Koh Tao, got here this morning after a night bus and a 2 hour boat ride from Bangkok. Got into Bangkok on Sunday night and crashed, spent Monday putting in an order for clothes to be made - I'm getting a suit, 2 tops and a black silk dress to be made - and wandered around a bit. Went to Wat Mathati which is kind of a centre for buddhist studies in Bangkok and there was a cermony going on. Apparently, every 3 months, there is kind of a party where they parade around the temple singing and dancing. Anyway, so I was watching this parade, there were a bunch of children playing music and about a million older ladies shouting, singing and dancing behind them....anyway, the next thing I know, one of the crazy old ladies grabs me and makes me join them. So I got to be part of a parade yesterday! They were all really nice. Afterwards, I went to a religious amulet market which was really interesting and wandered around little India.

Today I basically napped and watched a video on SCUBA diving, tomorrow I have my first academic and primary/dicking around in shallow water with equipment lesson. They usually like to have groups, but as I need to leave Friday night, it's just me and the instructor tomorrow, then on Thursday I join a group of 9, count 'em, 9 Irish people and go on my first dive. Whee! I'm going to take the night route back to Bangkok on Friday, shop my ass off on Saturday, go out Saturday night with Anne (my friend from work, she's in Bangkok doing a massage course) and then back to Taiwan on Sunday night. And then get ready for a new school year on Monday. Gotta love vacations, they leave you so relaxed and ready to start afresh.

Have taken some pics, will post 'em when I get a chance.....which probably means back in Taiwan! Hope everyone is doing well.


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