Monday, October 30, 2006

Happy Taiwanese Halloween!

Here at the school, we had our Halloween party on Friday as there's a lot of students that aren't here on Tuesdays. So we set up lots of games and face painting and also invited the parents to come and watch. Lots of kindergarten age children, hopped up on sugar and parents with cameras acting like the paparazzi. But fortunately not as chaotic as it seems.

Halloween here always makes me miss fall in Newfoundland and the George Street Mardi Gras.

And yes, it was my birthday on Sunday but it was pretty quiet as I returned from Nepal with a nasty stomach bug which made its appearance last Monday and wiped me out all week. I actually went to the hospital last Monday as I couldn't keep anything down and was really dehydrated. So no big party for me...yet. I might have one in the next week or so. Got some very nice gifts (thanks for the Tragically Hip cds Liz!) and emails and people keep taking me out for dinner, so it's great! And I'm still one year away from 33, the other big celebrity death age after 27 (Jesus, Jim Belushi, Chris Farley, there were all 33!). Gotta be careful about these things.

Off to do work related activities, will post more soon.


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