Friday, October 13, 2006

Few shots of Nepal....

Alright, it took freakin' forever to upload these, but here's three, count 'em, 3 shots of Nepal. I have over a hundred on my camera and will try to upload some more later when I have nothin' but time.....

Kathmandu! As seen from the top of Bhimsen Tower. Busy place...
And of course, I forgot to bring the stupid book with me to the internet cafe and can't remember the name of this temple right now, but it was really cool! Pigeons and cows (and most animals) are sacred in Hinduism, hence tons of pigeons.
In Pokhara, hanging out by the lake.

So, I just got back from a 5 day trek and am in Pokhara right now, heading to Kathmandu again on Monday. Nepal is wonderful and I feel like I'm in a movie. I'm alive and well and haven't fallen off a mountain or been kidnapped by Maoists (although I had to pay them a tax thing, more on that later). I'll post again soon.


1 comment:

cm said...

Wow! Great pictures. But pigeons? I hate pigeons.