Tuesday, September 05, 2006

If I ever get out of here, I'm going to Kathmandu....

....and I am going to Kathmandu! I leave Oct. 6th and come back to Taiwan on the 22nd! I've always, always wanted to go to Nepal and since this is my last year and since the situation there has calmed down somewhat due to the king reinstating the House of Representatives in April, I said, screw it, I'm going. October is supposed to be the best month to travel there, it's the beginning of the dry season but the air is fresh and clean from the end of the monsoon season. Very, very excited! I'm going to take buckets of pictures and shop with abandon.

Not much else going on....I'm going hiking this weekend and will be trying to hike as much as possible so trekking in Nepal won't completely kick my ass. Next weekend I'm going camping in Sun Moon Lake with 2 girls from work. We were supposed to go this weekend, but they decided they wanted to go to Taipei to see West Life....anyway, no comment. Then on the 22nd I'm going scuba diving in Kenting. So busy but fun times ahead. I haven't been getting out of Taichung enough lately.

My work schedule has changed and I now don't have to be at work until 8:30 am.....change from 7:30 am all summer....which sucked. So, I'm trying to get better at calling and emailing people as I feel I've been really slack lately.

That's all, my boss just walked in and I have to go do work related things.



Laura said...

That sounds fantastic! Are you going to Nepal on your own or with a tour? You're making the most of your days off. Wish I had your mojo!

Bridget Canning said...

Goin' on my own! There's a organization in Pokhara that provides female guides for trekking and I plan on staying at guesthouses along the way, so hopefully I'll meet some cool people.