Tuesday, September 12, 2006

funny for forty-one

Hey, I was looking at the "blogger dashboard" thingy and I have 40 posts on my blog. This is post 41. Does that make me a prolific blogger? What do I have to do to be prolific?

Hey, I was looking through my "jokes" folder on my hotmail account (I am sooooo organized with my separate folders! I may even have a folder for the emails that you sent me! That is, if you send me enough emails. You might want to get on that. Then, you'll have your own folder) and I found this thing my friend Anne sent me. It's the best cookbook ever. I think I may have sent it out to people before......anyhoo, here is the description and the link.

The introduction was written by some chick, it's not me, I don't work for a financial publishing company. That's why I'm writing in italics, to be clear that it's not me.



I work for a financial publishing company. Which means that sometimes, I get some random swag from companies, brokers or mutual funds. Usually pens or those little squeezy stress ball things. That stuff sucks.But one time, a company sent me their employee cookbook. It sucks, but in a completely awesome way.

Basically, this company has a lot of potluck events. The cookbook's intro tells a charming story of favorite dishes and taste-offs and like, five whole requests for a company cookbook. So everyone made their favorite recipe which was then professionally and earnestly photographed using lots of ugly table linens and fake flowers.

Employees were encouraged to tell the story of the recipe ("I done found this recipe on the back of the cereal box") and give a suggested wine pairing ("Boone's").I also think everyone was required to use at least one package of shredded cheddar cheese. Just a guess though.

p.s.Because Diana is batshit crazy.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Ha ha ... I think one of those employees must have submitted a cookbook manuscript to the publishing house I used to work for. It was called Lo Carb Cook'n [seriously] and every recipe called for a quart of heavy cream and masses of cheese. Like a heart attack is preferable to a few extra pounds! (The photography was just as gruesome too.)