Sunday, June 04, 2006

Incense addicts and movies

There is this wicked shop down the road where they sell a lot of Buddhist supplies and must have every kind of incense in the world. I bought some really nice stuff, then noticed a statement on the box that says it is "non-habit forming." Since when is incense addictive? I googled it and apparently there's a herb called Kratom that sometimes gets used in incense. In Thailand, some people use Kratom to prolong sexual intercourse. Or to treat diarrhea. I think it needs further investigation. Anyway, I guess I'm glad I won't get hooked. I have enough friggin' vices already without becoming an incense junkie.

I saw "The Squid and the Whale" this weekend, it was really good. I knew nothing about it, just that Laura Linney was in it and I like her. It's hard to browse around at Blockbuster when all the blurbs are written in Chinese. So much fun being illiterate. Anyway, Jeff Bridges is in it too and it's set in the 80s, it's about this family going through a divorce and how it affects the 2 boys, one sides with the mom and the other the dad. I know it doesn't sound that exciting, but it was really well done. People are so nonchalant about divorce these days, it's refreshing to see a movie that shows how nasty breakups can be.

At home and have to teach in 30 minutes, better get back on the scooter.


1 comment:

cm said...

I meant to see that one when it was at the theatre but I never quite got around to it.