Wednesday, March 14, 2007

My First Bra....

....bought in Taiwan that is. I finally summoned up my patience and ventured out to find a bra that would fit me here in tiny person land. I have been living here for almost 4 years and have not even bothered trying to see if they have my size, besides a quick glance here and there in a mall and never finding anything bigger than a b-cup. Or anything that is not padded. But I just wanted a new one. Something pretty.... So I went to The Easy Shop. Yes, that's its name. It's a very popular lingerie chain here in Taiwan.

According to Easy Shop standards, I am a size E. I cannot believe it. E for "enormous, compared to our standards! Ha!" Or E for "English Teacher boobs."

In the dressing rooms, there are little buzzers you can press to summon the salesladies. I didn't press it, but the salesgirl came in anyway and showed me how I could make the bra fit better by putting her hand inside the bra (from the side, under my armpit) and shoving my boob and any excess flesh into the cup. "See? Fit much better."

Oh well, I guess it's better than ordering online.


1 comment:

cm said...

Oh god. I recently experienced the horror of bra shopping over here, and that was bad enough. Who knew your ribcage could expand, too?